Can I wear barefoot shoes that are wider/narrower than my feet?

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It’s important to choose barefoot shoes that fit your feet properly and allow your toes to return to their natural position. Wearing shoes that are too wide or too narrow can lead to foot problems. Here’s why:

  • Narrower shoes: Barefoot shoes that are too narrow squeeze your toes, preventing them from achieving the full splay they need. This restricts your feet, preventing them from acting as natural springs and shock absorbers.
  • Wider shoes: It’s usually less problematic if your shoes are wider than your feet, as long as they can be fixed properly and don’t slide around when you walk. However, if the shoes are too loose, cause excessive creasing, or make you compensate while walking, it is advisable to find a model that fits your foot shape and volume better.

For the best fit, measure your feet accurately and choose shoes that match your foot dimensions, ensuring enough room for your toes to splay naturally.

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